How Long Does PhalloFILL® Last?

Our clinic works with men to help them achieve their desired aesthetic results. As the leading clinic for male-focused cosmetic services in Dallas, many men come to us for non-surgical girth enhancement. One of the leading non-surgical male enhancement treatments we offer at our clinic is PhalloFILL®.

PhalloFILL® requires expert knowledge and technique; our providers are the founders and creators of the PhalloFILL® enhancement injection for our male clients. Discover its benefits, including how long PhalloFILL® lasts.

Male Girth Enhancement with PhalloFILL®

PhalloFILL® is the leading treatment in male girth enhancement in the world that uses dermal fillers to complement your natural anatomy. The hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers achieve exceptional results in enhancing size, girth, and aesthetics while not compromising functionality. We can customize PhalloFILL® to fit your individual aesthetic needs.

PhalloFILL® is an exciting treatment option for our male patients because it can also help correct the appearance of deformed, curved, or misshapen penile tissue. One of the key benefits of PhalloFILL® is that it contains only FDA-approved ingredients, so you can feel safe knowing your health is secure.

PhalloFILL® can even be used to correct prior failed girth enhancement procedures from unskilled providers that had unproven techniques, poor post case, or used inferior products such as liquid silicone, PMMA, or other permanent or semi-permanent dermal fillers such as Bellafill® or Radiesse®. PhalloFILL® can even be used to correct the removal of the Penuma® implant for girth enhancement or lumpy, uneven fat transfers for girth enhancement. In Dallas, we are quite skilled at correcting locally administered UroFill® treatments with a similar hyaluronic acid dermal filler. It is truly important to make sure your provider is a sculptor and an artist rather than just a urologist or other medical professional.

PhalloFILL® is an excellent option for men looking to increase their size and girth. Most people achieve 1-1.5 inches or more of growth over several sessions. After PhalloFILL®, men experience increased confidence in life and the bedroom.

Is PhalloFILL® Permanent?

While the results of PhalloFILL® are not permanent, with regular treatment sessions at our clinic, you can enjoy your results and all the benefits they bring for a lifetime with proper maintenance.

One of the key benefits of hyaluronic acid-based fillers is that your body naturally breaks them down over time. This ensures they are not in your body forever, do not mix with your internal biology, and break down along with the natural cycle of your biological cells. However. PhalloFILL® is administered into an area of the penis that does not have any blood flow or lymphatic drainage; therefore the dermal filler is not broken down or metabolized as it is in other areas of the body.

PhalloFILL® achieves semi-permanent results, with many of our male patients enjoying their results for up 3 to 4 years. Years of research and development ensure PhalloFILL® results can last for years to come. We recommend a maintenance treatment every 12–18 months to maintain your girth gains ongoing. This only involves a fractional amount of filler originally used in your initial procedure plan.

Contact Us Today to Discuss How Long Does PhalloFILL® Last

When you are looking for reliable, safe, and effective male girth enhancement, turn to us. PhalloFILL® is the leading non-surgical treatment to help you achieve excellent aesthetic results. It is the safest and most reliable treatment for non-surgical male enhancement ever developed. Our male patients can experience the benefits of PhalloFILL® for up to three to four years.

PhalloFILL® can be transformative in helping you achieve success in your romantic and sexual life as well as giving you the confidence to live a more fulfilling life with more success in your personal life and professional life. For more information about how long PhalloFILL® lasts and to discover if this is the right treatment for you, call or text our team.

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