Candidates for PhalloFILL®

Candidates for PhalloFILL®

Men have unique sexual health concerns. Men seeking to increase penis girth may find PhalloFILL® improves their aesthetic or genetic concerns. Before choosing to have penile enhancement, you need to ensure it is appropriate for your goals.

This product is FDA-approved and has been in use for over 20 years. If you have questions about the right candidates for PhalloFILL® in Dallas, call or text our office today and schedule your initial consultation. You will talk with a compassionate, discreet professional.

Am I a Good Candidate for PhalloFILL®?

PhalloFILL® is the gold standard in nonsurgical, semi-permanent treatment that enhances penile girth and size. Hyaluronic acid dermal filler complements penile anatomy without changing function. Your body naturally produces hyaluronic acid that performs several functions, including helping joints move smoothly, retaining water to keep you hydrated, and making the skin more flexible. Reactions to hyaluronic acid are rare, and it is safe for most people.

Men who are circumcised and uncircumcised are eligible for PhalloFILL® injections. The treatment often starts with four to six syringes of dermal filler, which take 30 to 60 minutes. Some men get as many as 20 or more syringes over several visits. The number needed is customized to meet a man’s goals discussed during the first consultation. There is no lengthy recovery period. Instead, a man must refrain from sex or masturbation for approximately a week to 10 days after the injection and wear a post-care garment as directed.

Although the procedure can last for years, a simple process can reverse the enhancement in minutes if the man is dissatisfied with the results. There are multiple procedures available for men who are unhappy with the aesthetics of their penis. However, most require invasive surgery, offer a highly questionable safety profile, and often leave an uneven appearance, and another surgery is needed to reverse the process.

Another benefit to PhalloFILL® injections is they are highly customizable to each man’s physical structure and aesthetic goals. In addition to penile enhancement for girth or size, PhalloFILL® can also balance a mishappen from an accident or since birth.

After PhalloFILL®, men report greater self-confidence with their partner, in the locker room, and throughout the day as well as greater sexual satisfaction for their partner and themself.

How Does PhalloFILL® Work?

First, the injector administers a local anesthetic to reduce discomfort before administering a series of injections. An even layer of filler is added along the shaft, resulting in an overall increase in the circumference of the penis. When the goal is to correct some irregularities, the filler can be thicker or thinner in different areas. The hyaluronic acid goes into a space between connective tissue in the penis with limited blood flow and lymphatics, so the enhancement often lasts 3 to 4 years.

In cosmetic procedures, hyaluronic acid injections usually do not last for more than one year. The difference is the blood and lymphatic flow that breaks down the hyaluronic acid filler. The same is true when you want an injection in the head of the penis; the filler can break down over just several months as the area is highly vascularized.

Depending on your goal, you can gain from 0.5 to 1.5 inches after multiple sessions. While PhalloFILL® changes the girth and length of a flaccid penis, it does not affect the length of an erect penis.

Although the procedure is painless with a local anesthetic, you may notice moderate bruising and swelling at the injection sites. These should resolve entirely within two weeks after the last injection.

The compression garment worn after the procedure helps the filler to encapsulate and bond within the shaft of the penis. However, the PhalloFILL® injection shift soon after your treatment, depending on your sexual lifestyle and aftercare. For example, any sexual activity, including self-pleasure, sooner than recommended can result in the migration of the hyaluronic acid filler and poor outcomes. Our Dallas team can help you determine if you are a candidate for PhalloFILL®.

Schedule a Consultation to Determine Candidates for PhalloFILL® in Dallas

Your decision to consider penile enhancement is personal. Our team will answer your questions during your initial consultation. You will also learn how the procedure works, how to reverse it if you are dissatisfied, and the number of injections required to reach your aesthetic goals. Candidates for PhalloFILL® in Dallas can contact us today to discover the difference penile enhancement can make in your life.

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