Does PhalloFill™ Hurt?

PhalloFILL® injections offer men discreet penis enhancement and girth enlargement without surgery or implants. Yet, the procedure is done in a sensitive body area, so most men question whether PhalloFILL® hurts.

Thanks to the process, most men feel no more than the sensation of a toothpick against the side of the penis. Generally, most men do not experience any post-injection pain after the anesthesia wears off. If you have questions about whether your penis is long or thick enough, or you want more confidence in the bedroom and locker room, then PhalloFILL® injections may be what you are looking for.

How PhalloFILL® Works

The treatment generally takes under 30 minutes per session, and most men have sustained enhancement for 3 to 4 years. During the procedure, dermal filler is injected along the shaft of the penis to expand the diameter and give a natural-looking girth enhancement.

PhalloFILL® injections use hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally found in the body. Symmetrical areas of filler are injected along the shaft to increase the girth. PhalloFILL® can also correct minor irregularities in your anatomy. In this case, the injected areas can be thicker or thinner in different areas, resulting in a more balanced appearance.

While there may be the illusion of an increase in length because of the weight of the flaccid penis after treatment, PhalloFILL® injections only enhance the girth. However, you also have less shrinkage, which gives the appearance of a slightly longer length when flaccid. This procedure has fewer side effects and potential complications than other surgical methods to lengthen the penis.

Am I a Good Candidate for PhalloFILL®?

Most men are good candidates for PhalloFILL® injections. Since it is a non-surgical procedure, men who may typically not be good candidates for elective surgery because of the risk of anesthesia qualify for PhalloFILL® injections.

Any man who is not satisfied with the appearance of his penis could be a candidate for the procedure, with just a few exceptions. PhalloFILL® injections use hyaluronic acid dermal filler, so men with a known hypersensitivity to this type of dermal fillers are not candidates. Men with active infections or inflammatory conditions in the area must wait until the situation has subsided. Additionally, men with a significant chronic disease or ill health may not be good candidates.

What to Expect During Recovery

Men are fully conscious during the procedure, which involves several injections at each visit and potentially up to four office visits. The injector uses four to six syringes of filler at each session. The man wears a post-care garment for three weeks after each procedure. Men must refrain from self-pleasuring or sex for up to 10 days or as their provider advises.

The length of time depends on the man’s anatomy and the amount of dermal filler injected. Any self-pleasuring or sexual activity sooner than recommended can potentially result in the dermal filler migrating out of the area, which results in poor cosmetic outcomes.

Since every penis is different, some irregularities may appear initially. However, this is expected and addressed during the following treatments. Men can return to normal daily activities immediately, and most can resume exercising the next day. Men may experience some bruising or tenderness after the injections, but this will subside within two weeks.

Call or Text Today for Your Consultation

PhalloFILL® injections are for men seeking greater confidence in their lives. Due to the process, there is no pain during the office visit and typically mild discomfort, if any, after the local anesthesia wears off.

Additionally, men who may be dissatisfied can have the procedure reversed. Most men find the results last from three to four years. Yearly maintenance treatments help cover minor losses of dermal filler. If you have questions about how PhalloFILL® injections can boost your confidence, call or text our office today to schedule your consultation.

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