PhalloFILL® is an advanced treatment for penile girth enhancement. The procedure combines the advantages of multiple techniques with more than 20 years of proven aesthetic excellence from the founder of PhalloFILL to offer men outstanding results. The PhalloFILL enhancement is known for its safety and reliability. It has become the gold standard in non-surgical girth enhancement using hyaluronic acid filler, a 100% natural compound in the body.
Unlike other methods, PhalloFILL complements your existing anatomical features improving and enhancing penile tissue without affecting functionality. Our team can customize PhalloFILL to your specific anatomy and reverse the treatment at any point if you become dissatisfied with the results. Unlike PhalloFILL, many other products require surgical correction or removal. PhalloFILL was designed to ensure safety and consistent results using FDA-approved products and has become trusted by professionals treating men seeking penile enhancement.
How Does PhalloFILL® Compare with Other Growth Enhancements?
Currently, multiple procedures are marketed to address men’s insecurities regarding the size and girth of their penis. PhalloFILL’s excellent safety profile and unmatched aesthetic results have made this procedure increasingly sought after worldwide. This is especially true because of the growing concerns many men have regarding the increasing failure rates of alternative approaches and implanted products.
Other experimental treatments for adding girth, such as free fat grafting, silicone injections, and polymethylmethacrylate injections, have left many patients with severe complications. Some urologists and men’s health providers have been known to inject non-FDA-approved products into their patients, which can lead to unnecessary complications. There is no clinical evidence supporting the use of oral medications to enhance penile girth. The limited evidence for girth enhancement with silicone grafts consists of one single-center study with only a small number of respondents, and the improvements were not statistically significant. Removing surgically implanted devices has revealed poor anatomical results and difficulties with the mesh used to anchor such devices.
Evidence supports minimal increases in length and girth with vacuum pumps, and this modality does not preclude using PhalloFILL. However, vacuum devices have shown only temporary results with girth enhancement and unsatisfactory results for penile lengthening. The only promising evidence for extending penis length has been using an orthopedic penile extender such as the Phallosan® forte. Ask about ways to maintain penile health from your local PhalloFILL provider.
PhalloFILL® Results
PhalloFILL offers you the peace of mind that comes with FDA-approved products and stringent protocols to achieve the natural and lasting results you desire. The average male can achieve 1 to 1.5 inches and increase flaccid or erect penile girth with multiple injections. There is no preset limit to how much girth we can provide with PhalloFILL while maintaining safe, reliable, comfortable, and effective results. Other experimental treatments for added girth have left many patients with serious side effects and complications. While other techniques often require surgical correction or removal should they result in an undesired appearance, PhalloFILL is reversible in a matter of minutes.
Ask Our Team About the Benefits of PhalloFILL®
PhalloFILL is based on a unique combination of medically administered penile girth enhancement techniques. It is professionally administered and semi-permanent. PhalloFILL can provide you with years of improved self-confidence and performance. Our office offers many valuable treatment options, including PhalloFILL. Contact us to schedule a consultation.